Summer 2022 Lipinsky internship opportunity!
We are seeking applicants for the Sheila and Jeff Lipinsky Internship in ASL/Deaf Studies – a one-summer month internship in the Laboratory for Language and Cognitive Neuroscience (https://slhs.sdsu.edu/llcn/) at San Diego State University. The internship is available for a 4 week period anytime between July 1st and Sept. 9th. The goal of the internship…
Congratulations to Dr. Brittany Lee on the completion of her dissertation “Word representation and processing in deaf readers: Evidence from ERPs and eye tracking”
Sign language and the brain with Karen Emmorey on The Language Neuroscience Podcast hosted by Neuroscientist Stephen Wilson. Transcripts available.
Dr. Karen Emmorey receives The Society for Neurobiology of Language 2020 Distinguished Career Award
Similar brain glitch found in slips of signing, speaking
The discovery of a common neural mechanism in speech and ASL errors — one that occurs in just 40 milliseconds — could improve recovery in deaf signers after a stroke
Happy Halloween from LLCN
LLCN at TISLR13 in Hamburg, Germany!
LLCN researchers presented the following at the Theoretical Issues in Sign Language Research 13 meeting in Hamburg, Germany. Emmorey, K.(2019) Neural and behavioral consequences of lexical iconicity in American Sign Language. Invited speaker for the meeting of Sign Language Linguistics Society (TISLR13). September, Hamburg, Germany. Lee, B., Mirault, J., Belanger, N, & Emmorey, K. (2019).…
LLCN Speaker Series welcome Tory Sampson, Thurs. Sept. 5th at noon
Tory Sampson is a second-year graduate student in the Linguistics doctoral program at UCSD. The talk is: ‘An Emerging SELF: The Copular Cycle in ASL’. Currently, she is working on describing the copular cycle in ASL, a grammaticalization phenomenon seen cross-linguistically in which a pronoun evolves into a copula. Refreshments will be served right after…
Research shows English co-activation during recognition of ASL signs
Dr. Emmorey Featured in Newsweek: What Happens When You Flip Between Languages
“Understanding how different languages coexist and interact in the human brain is important because it lays the groundwork for investigating the social benefits of being bilingual. San Diego State University’s Karen Emmorey, who studied bilingual individuals fluent in English and ASL, collaborated on the research.” See the full article on Newsweek >>